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lunedì 1 gennaio 2024

Buenos Aires: lightning on the halo and keys of St. Peter. Bergoglio at the end of the road?

Andrea Cionci- "Buenos Aires: lightning on the halo and keys of St. Peter. Bergoglio at the end of the road?"

Cionci Article

I am reposting another article by Andrea Cionci that was originally published in Sfero.


Well, from a faith perspective, how should we interpret the lightning bolt that struck the statue of St. Peter on December 17th?

Statue of Saint Peter, Buenos Aires

On Sunday December 17, 2023, lightning literally pulverized the key and halo of the statue of Saint Peter, located on the facade of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas , north of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

The news was reported by the Telegram channel "The Pope's Pearls" : it seemed to be fake, given that no news could be found on the web, but the event has just been confirmed by the Reverend Father Justo Lofeudo, a priest who is certainly a Bergoglian.

A typical "Ratzinger effect", evidently, that particular phenomenon whereby the Bergoglians or the una cum, (Bergoglio's legitimist conservatives) unconsciously offer information, documents and testimonies that are very useful for the reconstruction of the Magna Quaestio. In this case it would obviously only be a "sign from Heaven" which, however, has been interpreted by many Catholics without too much difficulty.

Father Lofeudo certainly did not realize the effect that the disclosure of the photo would have.

The priests of the Sanctuary have issued a statement that rejects the symbolic interpretation of the fact, but not the fact itself: “The Sanctuary does not agree with the interpretation that has been given with respect for the damage produced in the image of the apostle Saint Peter.”

What is striking, in fact, is that the event occurred on Jorge Mario Bergoglio's birthday, the day before the publication of the "Fiducia supplicans" declaration which opens up blessings for gay couples.

This measure marked a sort of point of no return: the faithful are starting to understand that something isn't working.

Even the place where the accident occurred is rich in meaning: first of all, the Sanctuary of San Nicolas is in Argentina, homeland of the anti-pope, a few kilometers from Buenos Aires, the city of which Bergoglio was bishop for a long time.

The channel “The Pope's Pearls” reports: “Above all, it is a place of worship and veneration because inside there is the beautiful statue of the Madonna of the Rosary, which appeared for years to the visionary Gladys Quiroga de Motta, starting from early 1980s, giving her more than 1800 messages.

In them, the Holy Virgin says she has returned to continue the Apparitions of Fatima, and many of these clearly speak of the terrible struggle between the devil and the Church."

Since February 11, 2013, various "suggestive" events have dotted the story of the usurpation of the Chair of Peter reconstructed in three documentaries in The "Ratzinger Code" investigation.

We can remember the lightning that struck the Dome the same night as Pope Benedict's "resignation"; the inexplicable blocking of the bells of Castel Gandolfo following the invalid election of Francis; the killing of the doves released by Bergoglio by crows and seagulls; the fire of the Bethlehem chapel a few hours after Francis' visit; the fire in the Consistory Hall of Castel Gandolfo a few months ago, in the same days in which we published this appreciated reportand many other events that Catholics of just a century ago would have interpreted as unequivocal "press releases" from the Eternal Father.

Well, from a faith perspective, how to interpret the lightning that struck the statue of St. Peter on December 17th?

It seems that the time for antipope Francis is coming to an end: heaven would have symbolically destroyed his halo of sanctity and disintegrated the key, which represents the pope's authority. Strange that the statue only held one key, it seems. Symbolically, the golden key alludes to power in the kingdom of heaven and the silver key indicates the spiritual authority of the papacy on earth. The rope connecting the key eyelets alludes to the link between the two powers.


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